Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars

I just wanted to show some love for this game that came out a while ago. Seeing as how there’s a lot of love for recently released XCOM on consoles and PC, and anticipation for Fire Emblem, I wanted to put a spotlight on a game that plays very similar to those, Ghost Recon. I enjoyed Final Fantasy Tactics, and Ogre, so I was pleasantly surprised when I started this game up on 3DS and logged many hours into it as I had done with those other square games mentioned. I couldn’t put it down. It has a real-world, almost real-world, setting with characters that you level up and it’s pretty challenging.

I did not expect to like the game. But I did.  It was permanently on my desk and my go-to game for a long time. Also, one of the first games I purchased for 3DS, and I haven’t enjoyed anything else besides this on the system. I mean I have, but I haven’t put as many hours in as this one.

Sometimes when I see praise for XCOM or Fire Emblem, I feel like this game was looked over. If you are not into Japan centric games or like tactical war games with modern settings you should try this out. It should have a bargain price by now, but it shouldn’t. It’s great.

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